One of the great blessings of being a Southern Baptist Church is our connection to a network of missionaries who serve all over the world. A percentage of our weekly tithes and three yearly special offerings go to support 6,000+ Southern Baptist missionaries throughout the world. God has also made use of our missionary house through the decades as a place for our missionaries to stay while home on furlough.

In addition to giving missions support, we also believe in going.
A percentage of our church budget is set aside for the sending of mission teams from our church. This year, we will be sending teams to share the gospel and support churches throughout Pascagoula, Alaska and El Salvador.



We believe that the Great Commission begins at home. While we believe that evangelism and outreach should take place primarily in the day to day living of our members, we also believe in organizing ourselves to share the gospel in every corner of our city. This summer, in addition to our regular week of Vacation Bible School, we will be bringing Vacation Bible School to neighborhoods throughout Pascagoula with hopes of inviting our neighbors to experience Jesus Christ.

An informational meeting regarding this will be held in the Spring.


Each summer we partner with a missionary in Alaska working and serving in a sports evangelism camp that focuses on soccer & basketball. If you are interested in going to Alaska, see Pastor Ryan.


One of the greatest blessings of our missionary house has been our connection with George and Geraldine Smith, IMB missionaries in Uganda. In 2011, we sent our first team from Arlington to Uganda. We sent another team in 2014 and, Lord willing, will be going again in the future.


This summer, we will send a mission team to serve with Pastor Omar Claros in Morazan, El Salvador.  We train the local churches in Vacation Bible School as well as participate in door to door evangelism.